
Choice-Based Art Education (CBAE) - Founded by Douglas and Jaquith (2009), this pedagogy focuses on treating art students of all ages as artists. They encourage complete freedom for students to choose how they spend their studio time. Technical skills are taught through teacher-designed stations and mini-lessons are used to address art concepts (Douglas & Jaquith, 2009).

growth mindset - "a belief system that suggests that one's intelligence and/or talents can be grown or developed with persistence, effort, and a focus on learning" (Ricci, 2017, p. 3).

fixed mindset - "a belief system that suggests that a person has a predetermined amount of intelligence, skills, or talents" (Ricci, 2017, p. 4).

learning management system (LMS) - A software platform for providing lessons to students, ex: Canvas, Google Classroom


Douglas, K. M., & Jaquith, D. B. (2009). Engaging learners through artmaking: Choice-based art education in the classroom. United States: Teachers College Press.

Ricci, M. C. (2017). Mindsets in the classroom: Building a growth mindset learning community. United States: Prufrock Press Inc.