First Days
My students don't all have access to computers until a week or so into the year and there's a lot of schedule changing, so during this time we spend time getting to know one another and the studio. However you prefer to start off the year is great, just ensure that you're encouraging students to interact so you can start building a community of learners that are comfortable with each other.
One thing they'll need for a future lesson is a self-portrait of some kind. When they set up their digital portfolio, they need to practice taking photos and uploading them. They'll use these items for that practice. It will also provide an image for their "About Me" page of their digital portfolio.
Some other things I like to do:
We have to go over the syllabus, but I like to do it with my fill-in-the-blank infographic. It addresses all the stuff they actually care about while the whole syllabus is accessible online. It's more fun and saves paper too.
Play Minute to Win It games with different groups each day
Create a small drawing on an index card and put personal info on the back (pronouns, who they live with, what extracurriculars they participate in etc.)
A studio scavenger hunt introduces them to different procedures and where different materials are in the studio.