Unit 1: basics
This unit teaches students how to use Canvas along with the expectations for mastery-based grading.
accessing and turning in assignments
Implementation Notes:
Create a copy of Accessing and Turning in Assignments slides
Make sure slide 2 corresponds with your Canvas page or LMS
If your students don't use Chromebooks, change the image on slide 3
The submission on this assignment is meant to be tricky. Be picky and leave feedback. This will allow the student to see and experience these things in the last lesson of the unit.
Add translation link ( i )
Import slides into LMS
feedback and re-submitting work
Implementation Notes:
Create a copy of Feedback and Re-submitting Work slides
The "view feedback" button described on slide 2 only applies if you'll be drawing on submissions with a tablet. I highly recommend this. You can view more Canvas grading suggestions here.
Add translation link ( i )
Import slides into LMS