Unit 2: Digital Portfolios
This unit walks students through setting up their digital portfolio with Google Sites and how to photograph artworks. The last lesson provides you with a spreadsheet of links to your student's sites for easy access.
What is a portfolio?
Implementation Notes:
Create a copy of What is a Portfolio? slides
If YouTube is blocked, replace video on slide 2
Add translation link ( i )
Import slides into LMS
Photographing art
Implementation Notes:
Create a copy of Photographing Art slides
On slide 8, students are instructed to photograph a self-portrait. This is something I have them do in the first few days of school. Change this instruction to have them photograph anything they've made.
Add translation link ( i )
Import slides into LMS
Creating a Digital Portfolio with Google Sites
Implementation Notes:
Create a copy of Creating a Digital Portfolio with Google Sites slides
Add translation link ( i )
Import slides into LMS
Share Your Digital Portfolio
Implementation Notes:
Create a copy of Share your Digital Portfolio slides
Create a copy of the Digital Portfolios Form and make sure it has the right class periods for your schedule
Link Digital Portfolios Form to slide 2
Add translation link ( i )
Import slides into LMS